Vehicles, dentist chairs and a log among 652 items on state's auction block

Vehicles, dentist chairs and a log among 652 items on state's auction block

Jan 11, 2022

Are you hankering for a couple of dentist chairs that you can call your own?

How about a snow blower, a boat, a used car or even a truck with a reverse bucket that helps you inspect under a bridge?

Or maybe you'd like a log from a fallen tree on the Capitol grounds as a keepsake.

The state of Montana is now taking bids on its surplus property auction in which 652 items are for sale.

For the second year in a row, the annual Vehicle and Equipment Auction is online.

People can visit to register to bid and see pictures, videos and descriptions of the items being sold. They may also download the Pate Auction app on their smartphone. State officials said an online platform increases the number the auction items and audience since it isn’t confined to a single day time frame.

Dan Pate of Pate Auction says there are more items for sale than in the past few years. And people have until Saturday to place bids.

Items for sale include nearly 240 “running” used cars. Other items for sale include appliances, tools, furniture and trailers.

State officials listed Lot 458 as the most unusual item: A 23-inch-by-74-inch log from a fallen tree on the Capitol grounds. It had a high bid of $50 listed as of Tuesday morning. 

The state of Montana holds a large two-week online public auction to sell vehicles, equipment and other items that state agencies have turned in throughout the year.

Money from the sale goes into the general fund unless otherwise specified by the agency.

Starting at 1 p.m. Saturday, a rolling “soft” close begins on the auction with three items per minute sold. Auctions on individual items may be extended if bids are submitted during the last two minutes.

It is expected to continue until somewhere between 4 and 5 p.m.

Pate, co-owner of Pate Auction, which runs the auction for the state, said sales in the past have generated anywhere from $400,000 to more than $1 million for the state.

“I’m very excited because it helps the taxpayers,” he said.

Joe Beatty, surplus property program manager for the state’s General Services Division, said he is excited to have a lot of used vehicles up for bid to offer to the public this year given the shortage of used vehicles on the market today.

Pate said the car auction should be particularly interesting this year as many dealers selling new cars are facing challenges to keep lots stocked with autos due to a global semiconductor chip shortage.

There will be a preview of items 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Engine starts will be allowed on those days only. No vehicle may be driven at any time.

Despite the rows of items for sale, Pate was hard-pressed to name something he would bid on.

“I rarely buy anything,” he said.

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